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Cooking in French & Spanish lessons

This week we invited our learners to prepare some tasty French and Spanish dishes as part of an enrichment activity in the lead up to Shrove Tuesday.

Our learners have made either French crêpes or Spanish tortilla.  The feedback from learners has been extremely positive with families enjoying our recipes.  We have received some amazing photographs from our learners (below are just a selection of the many excellent examples we received) and we are really impressed with their cooking skills!

So if you are looking for a culinary activity to do in half term, please find below the list of ingredients and instructional videos.  Our French Assistant Nathalie has made the video herself to share her tasty recipe for crêpes with our school community.

Bon appetit & que aproveche!

Crêpes par Nathalie




250g de farine (flour)

¾ litre de lait (milk)

3 oeufs (eggs)

20g de sucre (sugar)

Une pincée de sel (pinch of salt)

1 cuillère à soupe d’huile (tablespoon of oil)

Parfum de vanilla (vanilla essence) (optional)


Spanish tortilla video

Tortilla de patatas (Potato omelette)

Cinco patatas medianas (5 medium potatoes)

Seis huevos (6 eggs)

Aceite de oliva (olive oil)

Sal (Salt)



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