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Health & Social Care

Welcome to Health & Social Care

We are delighted to offer the Btec L1/2 Tech Award in Health & Social Care.

This course will give you the opportunity to develop knowledge and technical skills in a practical learning environment. You will also develop key skills relevant to the health and social care sector such as research techniques and how to measure someone’s physical health. You will also develop your written communication skills as you create health and wellbeing plans for an individual with specific needs.

Everyone taking this qualification will study three components, covering the following content areas:

  • Human Lifespan and Development gives you the opportunity to study how people grow and develop over the course of their lives, from infancy to old age. You will also look at the factors that may affect growth and development throughout the lifespan, such as life-changing events like marriage or death of a partner. You will explore how individuals cope with these changes, as well as investigate the types of support available to help them.
  • Health and Social Care Services you will investigate common services as well as those for specific needs, and consider how they may work together to meet individuals needs. You will examine the barriers to individuals accessing services and how they may be overcome. You will explore the skills, attributes and values that are required in health and social care, and their importance in making sure that the people who use these services get the care they need.
  • Health and Wellbeing explores the factors that can have a positive or negative influence on an individual's health and wellbeing. You will learn to interpret physiological and lifestyle indicators, and what they mean for someone’s state of health. You will learn how to use this information to design an appropriate plan for improving someone’s health and wellbeing, including short- and long-term targets. Additionally, you will explore the difficulties an individual may face when trying to make these changes.

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The intent of the Health & Social Care curriculum is to provide a practical understanding of the health and social care sector. Learners will build useful skills and develop an understanding of whether this is an area they wish to continue to study and seek a career in.

Health and Social Care is one of the largest and fastest growing sectors of employment with 3 million people already working within that industry as our population grows and ages. Therefore, the BTEC Tech Award in Health and Social Care is offered as a vocational subject, which learners can opt to take in Year 10 and follow throughout Key Stage 4.

As part of their learning journey in Health & Social Care, learners will focus on 3 component areas:-

  1. Human Lifespan development
  2. Health & Social Care Services and values
  3. Health & Wellbeing

These areas will provide all learners with the opportunity to :-

  • Develop transferable skills and knowledge, such as self-evaluation and research skills.
  • Study how people grow and develop over the course of their lives, from infancy to old age, and the factors that may affect this, such as major life-changing events like marriage or parenthood.
  • Learn how people adapt to these changes as well as the types of support available to help them.
  • Learn about the different health and social care services, and about ‘care values’ and their importance in making sure that the people who use these services get the care they need.
  • Be able to demonstrate the care values practically.
  • Develop skills in interpreting data about someone’s state of health in order to design a plan that will allow them to improve their health and wellbeing.
  • Develop skills, knowledge and techniques, and to review r own performance in demonstrating ‘care values’.

Within the Health and Social Care curriculum, there are many opportunities to develop all learners’ cultural capital, centred around the exploration of spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues.

Learners become confident and are equipped with the skills to be able to manage their emotions as they move through adolescence, dealing with the life events, challenges and opportunities they face for their own health and well-being as well as preparing them for life outside of education and inspiring them to make a difference.

Staff & Responsibilities

  • Mrs H. Sievers Head of Department
  • Ms S. Hounslow Subject Teacher ( Food & Health & Social Care )
  • Miss G Spencer Subject Teacher (DT & Health and Social care)


Key Stage 4 - 1 x 20 minute piece per fortnight


The department follows the whole school feedback policy. Feedback is regularly given in lessons during retrieval practice and questioning. Written feedback is provided for specific pieces of work and assessments.


Key Stage 4 assessment will be based on examination board past paper questions and follow the assessment calendar.

2023-2024 Upton by Chester Assessment Schedule

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