Key Stage 4
GCSE Learners follow the Edexcel GCSE specification. The aim of the GCSE course is to enable learners to build on their Key Stage 3 knowledge and skills.
Learners will be examined over three papers:
Paper 1: Thematic study and historic environment
Written examination: 1 hour and 15 minutes 30%* of the qualification 52 marks (16 for the historic environment, 36 for the thematic study)
Content overview Students take one of the following options: 11: Medicine in Britain, c1250–present and The British sector of the Western Front, 1914–18: injuries, treatment and the trenches.
Paper 2: Period study and British depth.
Written examination: 1 hour and 45 minutes 40%* of the qualification 64 marks (32 for the period study and 32 for the British depth study)
British depth, Anglo-Saxon and Norman England 1060-88.
American West 1830-1895.
Paper 3: Modern depth study (Paper codes: 1HI0/30–33) Written examination: 1 hour and 20 minutes 30%* of the qualification 52 marks
Weimar and Nazi Germany, 1918-39