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Evidence of Status

Congratulations on achieving the FairAchiever Award!

Kind regards,

The Schools Team

What is Fairtrade?

Millions of farmers depend on their crops to survive, but it is a risky business. When prices drop it usually spells disaster. If farmers earn less money than it costs to run their farm, they face real hardship, struggling to buy food or keep their children in school. They may even lose their land altogether.

Fairtrade makes sure that farmers and producer organisations get a fair and stable price for their products to help them support their families and invest in a better future. Find out more from

What is the FairAchiever Award?

The school has fully embedded Fairtrade into their daily life and work to raise awareness of Fairtrade in their local community.

Fairtrade at Upton-by-Chester High School

Before we began the Fairtrade committee there was little knowledge or understanding amongst staff and pupils about the Fairtrade cause. We carried out an audit in October 2008 and the main recommendations were:

  • More students need to be made aware of the Fairtrade in the school, this could be done by having more posters, assemblies and events.
  • The students feel that the school is a community that is trying to make the world a better place, so this should be encouraged in a widely publicised Fairtrade fortnight.
  • Stalls at school events are noticed, so is there the opportunity to have them at other events? There was a real passion to take part in raising awareness of Fairtrade issues once staff and students knew the aims of the Fairtrade movement.

The impact of the lessons and activities which staff and students are involved in is high. Both groups have become highly motivated in furthering the cause. Staff and students now arrange their own sub group meetings and come up with new ideas on their own.

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