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Dress Code

Sixth Form Dress Code 

All learners are to attend school dressed appropriately for an educational and work place setting. Our learners are role models to learners in lower years and therefore their appearance should be clean, smart and within the parameters of the Sixth Form Dress Code.



Not within our dress code


  • Full length tops that cover the shoulders
  • T-shirts/ Polo shirts
  • Tops that cover the shoulder
  • Shirts/Blouses
  • Exposed chest, shoulders and midriff
  • Inappropriate slogans; including offensive terms or anagrams
  • Vest tops of any sort
  • Very tight clothing
  • Any transparent/netted items of clothing


  • Trousers
  • Shorts (must be mid thigh in length)
  • Skirts (must be mid thigh in length)
  • Thick leggings
  • Very short shorts (above mid-thigh)
  • Very short skirts (above mid-thigh)
  • No ruched, thin or gym leggings
  • Any transparent items of clothing
  • Jeans should not touch the floor, trip hazard in practical subjects.
  • Bicycle shorts/lycra shorts


  • Plain, smart and unobtrusive
  • Flip-flops
  • Dangerous or inappropriate footwear, particularly when working in practical subjects

Head, Face & Hair

  • Clean and smart
  • Hair colour is up to the learner
  • Sensible piercings
  • Extreme hairstyles
  • Hats, including caps are not to be worn indoors
  • Heavy makeup
  • Facial piercings (excluding ears)

All clothing

  • Clean and appropriate
  • Smart
  • Must allow learner ID cards to be seen at all times
  • Large rips in clothes
  • No visible tattoos
  • Not revealing

* Learners who study PE will obviously be able to wear sports clothes that are suitable for the respective sport they will be playing during their practical lesson on that day. At all other times PE learners should follow the guidance above.

If there is any uncertainty regarding suitability of clothing, learners are encouraged to check with the Sixth Form team beforehand. School will ultimately have the final decision. In certain circumstances learners might be required to return home to change before being permitted into school.

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