Headteacher Update
Mr Cummins has written to parents and carers today with an update on our current provision and future developments.
Mr Cummins has written to parents and carers today with an update on our current provision and future developments.
Thank you to all learners and parents who attended our virtual Year 11 parents’ evening today. As you will be aware there was a short outage which may have affected some of your appointments.
We are monitoring the weather this evening and we will make every effort to open the school tomorrow for all learners who require critical worker or priority learner provision.
Mr Cummins has written to parents and carers today with an update on our current provision and future developments.
Mr Cummins has written to parents and carers today with an update following the Government's announcement last night.
Mr Cummins has written to parents and carers to update them following the Government announcement yesterday regarding the reopening of schools in January 2021.
Following the announcement today regarding the delayed reopening of secondary schools in England, Mr Cummins will email all parents tomorrow with an updated plan for the start of term.
Mr Cummins has written to parents and carers with an update regarding the return to school in January.
Our outstanding Sixth Form is now open to applicants and this year we've created a Virtual Open Evening.
Thank you to our school community for your very generous contributions to the Big Storage Toy Appeal and West Cheshire Foodbank.
Mr Cummins has distributed a newsletter to update our school community on some important information as we arrive at the end of the Autumn term.
This year saw our school’s English Department get involved with Bookbuzz, an initiative run by Booktrust (the UK’s largest children’s reading charity) to inspire young people with a love of reading.