Open Evening
We invite families to visit our school on June 27th from 6pm.
We invite families to visit our school on June 27th from 6pm.
This is an opportunity for parents and carers to meet with the Headteacher and senior members of staff.
Our Ofsted Short Inspection report, endorsing their previous judgement of our school as ‘a good school with an outstanding sixth form’, has now been published.
Ofsted will be inspecting our school on Wednesday 17 April 2019.
The March edition of our Upton Voice newsletter is available to read now.
Tickets are now on sale for our annual Evening of Dance on 26th March.
On 9th January 2019, 9 Spanish A Level students were accompanied by Mrs Stanisstreet on a visit to MMU to attend a conference aimed at improving essay writing skills on their A Level film, Pan's Labyrinth.
Tickets go on sale from Monday 14th January for this year's school production Into the Woods.
Join us on Wednesday 16th January from 6pm to 8pm for our Sixth Form Open Evening.
The December edition of our Upton Voice newsletter is available to read now.
Best of luck to our pupils performing in Aladdin at the Forum Studio Theatre and The Wizard of Oz at the Storyhouse.
We have been awarded the British Council’s prestigious International School Award for the fourth time in recognition of our work to bring the world into the classroom.