Update on visitor access to school and our school shop
To assist with social distancing and minimise potential contamination we are requesting that visits to the school reception are kept to essential visits only.
Access to School for Visitors
Please ensure your child has everything they need with them for the school day every day when they leave home including equipment, lunch, uniform etc.
If you need to collect your child from school for an appointment or other planned absence, please notify the school office by phone 01244 259 800 or email office@uptonhigh.co.uk in advance. Learners can sign themselves out at the office and meet you outside. Learners will not be allowed to leave if we have not had prior notification due to safeguarding requirements.
Any questions please do not hesitate to phone or email and we will be happy to help you.
Your assistance with this is greatly appreciated.
School Shop
Stationery is now available through our online payments system as well as school ties, badges and braid. We will no longer be accepting cash or cheques.
Students will be contacted through SIMS when the items are available for collection from Student Reception.