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Consultation on Admissions Policy

In line with the statutory duty of admissions authorities to consult if changes are proposed to admissions arrangements, we now invite comments on a proposed change.

Please find below the Admissions Policy for Upton-by-Chester High School for the 2024-2025 school year, which now includes the following additional criteria:

  1. Children of staff (parents) who have been directly employed by the school for two years or longer at the closing date for applications or who have been recruited to meet a particular skill shortage. A parent is any person who has parental responsibility or care for a child and lives in the same family unit at the same address for the majority of the school week.

We invite you to comment on the proposed change in the consultation period which will run until Friday 1st December 2023. Comments can be emailed to

Comments submitted to us will be considered by our Governing Body after the consultation period ends. 

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