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Holocaust Survivor Testimony

On Tuesday all of our learners were honoured to take part in a national livestream of the testimony of Holocaust survivor, Heidi Argent, MBE.

Some of our year 9 learners had the following reflections:

'I felt so much sympathy for Heidi, I saw that she was so strong during those times. I feel lucky that we can still listen to people about it and saddened that the generations after us won't have that privilege.'

'Heidi's small stories of her childhood, as well as the people who showed her kindness and cruelty were immensely powerful.'

'Heidi was so brave in telling her story that we now need to tell this to future generations.'

'I will takeaway the stories about small acts of kindness, these can really mean a lot and it is important, as you never know who you are dealing with or what they have gone through.'

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