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Learners achieve excellent post-16 results

Our learners have once again produced a strong set of A Level results, with almost a third of all academic grades achieved being A*-A, and over 60% of grades being A*-B.  

Our learners are leaving us ready to take their place on their chosen next steps at university, on their apprenticeship courses or into the world of work with their impressive grades. It delights us as a school that our learners have achieved these excellent grades enabling them to make such positive next steps. 

Paul Lewis, Director of KS5, said " Our learners have worked incredibly hard over the last two years and it is very pleasing to see that hard work come to fruition with these grades. The results obtained across both our academic and vocational routes, have allowed our learners to make positive next steps in their journey. The outcomes achieved not only show the dedication and resilience of our learners, but also the high standards that our academic, and pastoral teams provide to support our learners. As they leave us to embark on the next exciting part of their journey, we wish them all the very best." 

Once again we have seen an impressive number of learners achieving A* and A grades. Our learners will be taking up courses at prestigious universities such as Cambridge, and on highly competitive courses such as Veterinary Sciences.  We also have learners who have chosen the apprenticeship route as their next step destination and we have many learners on highly valued apprenticeship courses with national, and international companies.  

Lee Cummins, Headteacher, said he was delighted with the results of the Year 13 cohort.  He added “The learners have achieved a great set of results across a range of A level subjects and vocational qualifications.  We are proud of the achievements of every one of our young people. 

The Sixth Form provision in the school is something we are really proud of both in terms of the range of courses available and the standards that our learners achieve.  These results are reflective of the hard work of learners and staff in the school.  We couldn’t do any of this without the great support we receive from parents and I would like to thank them for their support and making sure every young person achieved at the highest level.” 

Some of our exceptional learners include George Knight, Hazel Herzog, Ethan Conway, Freya Jones and Daisy Guinness who all achieved at least 3 A*s in their chosen A Levels. Fergal Hickey, Paige Law, and Faye Wright all excelled and achieved D*/D in their vocational courses. Maycie Huth, Lottie Head, Michael Fowler, Felicity Dixon and Ted Williams all achieved at least 2 A*s in their respective results. Whilst these grades are impressive, we also wish to pass on our congratulations to all learners in the Class of 2024 for their impressive results. 

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