Ofsted Report 2015
We are very pleased to be able to share with you our latest OfSTED report which has now been finalised and will appear on the OfSTED website next week.
Dear students, parents and carers
I am very pleased to be able to share with you our latest OfSTED report which has now been finalised and will appear on the OfSTED website within the next five days.
We have been judged as ‘A good school with an outstanding sixth form’ which in fact makes our sixth form provision the best in Chester!
A few other highlights which I would also like to share with you are;
- In all years and subjects students are making good progress and in the sixth form students make exceptional progress
- Teachers have good relationships with students …they engage students well and promote a love of learning
- All staff are committed to the drive for the very best outcomes for students
- Leaders and governors are ambitious and have high expectations
- The school’s work on safety and the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of students is outstanding
- Students have a rich and varied experience during their time in school
- The school’s work to keep students safe and secure is outstanding
- The leadership of the sixth form has ensured exceptional outcomes
- Reading is exceptionally well supported across school.
- All students, especially boys, are regular readers
- Strengths in modern foreign languages and humanities, and the balance of good teaching across the school, ensure a rich balance
- The sixth form provision is outstanding
- Teaching in the sixth form is outstanding
- Teachers are securing fast progress for students. They use their very strong subject knowledge to motivate students exceptionally well
- Teachers use these [iPads] well to enrich the curriculum and extend opportunities for independent learning and research
Please click on this link to access the full report from our website.
May I take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support.
Mrs P Dixon